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War of the buttons ⚔️

Personally, thanks to God 🙌🏾, I have grown up without acne or skin problems and so far (except in exceptional circumstances), that is still the case. So how can I tell you that as soon as a small individual, even the smallest, gets on my face, it’s anxiety 😨.

So, I finally developed a list of tips (basic or not) to fix it and here they are as an exclusive for you 😌👇🏾

  • 💦 Basic but very important, drink plenty of water. It seems logical but few people think about consuming 1.5 l/day or more during hot weather 🥵

  • 🥬🍎 Have good food hygiene. Yes It sucks but eating too much fat or too sweet affects your skin. Because toxins circulate in your blood, cannot be filtered and directed into the right cells, they eventually land where they can 😏 Detox cures to cleanse the body of all toxins, Especially that of the liver, it has its benefits

  • 💄 Removing make-up, whether you have makeup or not, it's important to remove all the toxicities that your face has undergone during the day, especially in summer ☀

  • Green or white clay are not bad either, they allow to dry the buds. Personally, I use kaolin, a white clay that is largely eaten by people from Africa. You can buy them most of the time in exotic grocery stores 🏪. It allows at least to have a 100% organic product, without additives. 🛠: You take a piece of the stone, crush it into powder and add some water 💧 little by little until you get a paste. And either you use this paste as a mask once a week, to not dry your skin , or you use it locally by applying it only on the button, you let it dry well and then you clean with micellar water.

  • Tea tree oil 🌲 is soothing and also dries. But if you’re having trouble with strong smells, it can be strong for the nose 👃🏾

  • 🧴 Products of the brand The ordinary: the peeling «AHA 30% + BHA 2% Peeling Solution 30 ml» to be used once a week in my opinion because it's acid and it can be aggressive for the skin (I have experienced it 😏); associated with the anti-imperfection serum “Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1%” that I use every morning before my day cream.

That’s it ! I gave you a good base to get rid of your enemies, but if you have any more tricks, I’ll take it! 😉

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