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Lips like Kylie Jenner ! 👄

Personally, nature has spoiled me with so-called «luscious» lips (even if I think it’s too much!), but everyone has their tastes, you’ll tell me.

Anyway, some of you are looking for nice, luscious lips, and I’m here (as always) to help, and well, I’m gonna do my job!

The different techniques for luscious lips:

  • La médecine esthétique

Although I am against all that consists of injecting external products into the body, it remains a technique for beautiful lips.

We inject hyaluronic acid into the lips where we want to increase the volume.

It makes the lips luscious and is temporary but renewable.

  • The technique of makeup

You can also use the method of redrawing the lips (well, that’s if you’re comfortable drawing).

Tap the concealer on your lips, then draw the contour of them with a flesh-colored lip pencil, slightly exceeding their natural lines. Then use a light or nude lipstick, colors that attract more light than dark shades. Then use a gloss, which will give a volume impression. Then you finish by applying a touch of highlighter on the cupid bow and under the center of the lower lip. And that’s it!

I hope I was clear, otherwise there are plenty of tutorials on YouTube.

  • Plumping lip gloss

It is a slightly pinkish gloss that directly colours the lips and, as its name suggests, brings a luscious appearance to the lips.

It contains active agents such as hyaluronic acid, which stimulates the production of collagen, a protein used to tighten and firm the skin. But also natural extracts like cinnamon, peppermint… They work by slightly irritating the lips, causing them to swell naturally.

Then, three tips that seem «stupid» but are not to be neglected.

  • The gymnastics of the lips

It’s true that it sounds completely absurd, but lip gymnastics is one of the most effective ways to make the mouth voluminous.

It's known to be excellent for the prevention of wrinkles, but it's not all, since it also has the particularity of muscling and plumping lips.

Nothing could be easier than to pronounce all the vowels of the alphabet by opening your mouth wide, as if you wanted to shout them to someone far from you.

  • The liquor glass

((And no, it’s not for happy hour !)

Technique initially used by Kylie Jenner (and personally, I find it absurd but …), but which later became the target of the media and the pet peeve of beauty professionals.

What is certain is that it brings volume (but I don’t know for how long though)

For the technique, you just need a liqueur glass and an internet connection, because I let you search on YouTube.

  • Brush your lips

This is the last technique I have to give you and not the least.

You just have to take a toothbrush every morning and massage your lips with it for a few minutes.

Brushing will remove dead skin from the mouth, reactivate blood circulation and make lips softer (you can even add honey on the toothbrush for a better effect)

So you’ll get a more luscious mouth!

OK ! That’s a good start.

But remember, no matter what choice you make, you’re already perfect as you are!

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