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Get a lioness mane 🦁

When we talk about hair, it's true that it's a bit complicated to give exact advice because each hair is different. 

Whether at the level of breakage, shine, type, texture… each hair has its own behavior. 

But here are some general tips for you today, so who should walk whatever your hair type. 

  • A good diet

To get healthy hair, you need a balanced diet. (This advice repeats itself for everything !) It's in your diet that your hair will find the nutrients essential to their growth and beauty.

So for this, opt for foods rich in iron, zinc and B vitamins to boost the keratin present in your hair.

Recommended foods: oysters, lentils, tofu, dried fruits, wheat germs, vegetable oils, oilseeds, oily fish… you have plenty of choices! 

And if despite everything you notice deficiencies; opt for dietary supplements

  • Massage the scalp

Yes! The small scalp also needs attention, not just you ! 

The ideal is after a good meal, you can favorise the supply of nutrients in the scalp through a small massage, small rotations in the direction of blood circulation

Mass all day for 3 minutes or, if you don’t have time, for 5 minutes, twice a week. 

And your skull will thank me! 

  • Oils utilisation

It is known that some oils are very beneficial for hair growth. 

Whether in bath, spray, mask, shampoo or creams… 

Whether it’s rosemary, thyme, peppermint, castor, avocado, mustard seed… If I had to name them all, we wouldn’t make it. 

You'll have understood, the oil will be an ally in your quest for long hair but will also strengthen them and bring them shine. 

Like me, I advise you to test several until you find the ones that suit you best but in general argan, ricin and avocado are the most reputable. 

In small addition, advice from my sister who is very cosmetics addict, some African or Asian powder (chebe, amla, kachur… well I could talk about it in another post) are very good for hair maintenance. 

  • Take care of your scalp

It sounds trite, but it’s important! 

Your skull (without vulgarity of course) must be like your baby. It’s boring I know, but it pays ! 

Pollution, the consumption of cigarettes, the use of products not adapted/ too aggressive or shampoos poorly rinsed are elements that will give a hair that grows more slowly and in less good health, so they're to be avoided!  

On the contrary, you can pamper your little head with massages, hair scrubs… (to be avoided in case of sensitive scalp) 

  • Ensure proper washing 

Good washing requires good products. And to have the right products, it's important to know your hair type (you can have lots of tutorials to know your hair type on the internet. That’s how I did it) 

You should always choose your shampoo according to the nature of your "coco", and your hair care according to the condition of your lengths and tips.

When your shampoo and conditioner are rinsed and just before you get out of the shower, a jet of ice water is a necessary passage for beautiful hair because it allows to activate the circulation and give a nice boost to the hair bulbs.

To avoid of course if you are very cold like me. 

Then there are a multitude of grandmother’s tricks, such as rice water, maizena, aloe vera… but it will be for another article. 

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