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My essentials for sports at home.

This year, winter doesn’t seem to be in a hurry to show up, and frankly.... Are we really going to blame him ?

The month of November has just begun and yet the temperatures remain rather mild, so let’s make the most of it. But of course, all this will not last very long and you will soon have the laziness to go to the gym, to do a little training. So stay with me, I’ll give you a list of the essential equipment to have at home for effective sessions.

  • The mat: Whether it's to perform strength exercises on the ground, for yoga sessions, pilates or even stretching on the ground, you'll understand that you'll be much more comfortably installed on a soft mat, rather than on a hard and cold floor.

  • Skipping rope: I’ve already done a post on Instagram about the benefits of skipping rope and so, as you can imagine, I definitely have one in my gym closet (yes I do). You can choose to do a small full cardio session with your rope or simply warm up at the beginning of the session for about 10 to 15 minutes.

  • Dumbbells: So as far as dumbbells are concerned, depending on your level and the session you are about to do, you can replace them with the classic water bottles, it also works very well. But I must admit that the grip of a dumbbell is much more pleasant than that of the bottle.

  • Elastic: You can use it for your leg sessions, but also for your upper body sessions. Depending on the area you want to work in and the intensity you want to put into it, you will have to choose an elastic with a certain level of resistance. The best is to take several.

  • Ankle weights: In terms of weight, it’s up to you. But let me tell you that at home I have some that are 3 kg and believe me, it already works quite well. Each booty session is a challenge (it buuuurns). But again, it all depends on your level and the intensity of your session.

  • The kettlebell: And finally the last one, you can use it for everything. Top and bottom of the body. Personally, I have one of 24 kg that I use for my sessions legs days, but mister uses it exclusively for his sessions upper body. As long as it’s a win-win situation…

(A little one after him, I promise, it’s over, it’s just the bonus: the weighted vest you can use for your pumps, dynamic board exos, squats and more.)

Of course, you know that I’m not here to ruin you, and so all the things listed above, you will find them at very affordable prices. So don't delay any longer, and run to prepare your small home gym.

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