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Keep fit during the holidays !

That’s it, the countdown is onb! There are only 10 days left before the first Christmas Eve 🥳. And who says holidays says… food.

So yes we could have said gifts before, but everything depends on the priorities of each one. (Personally I think first of my stomach, I’m not really materialist, but rather a big greed.)

So, today, I’m going to propose you 3 fast exo to achieve before and during the holidays, so as not to feel too guilty afterwards, in front of the dishes and before you launch into your big sporting resolutions for the year 2023.

  • Skipping rope: we don’t have to talk a lot about that. You already know how much I love this complete and effective exercise. 30 minutes a day and trust me you’ll sweat, spend and eliminate good for the holidays ✨.

  • Dance workout (or cardio dance, call it what you want): a mixture of fitness and dance, it allows you to burn calories while having fun 😃. A small 45-minute session will allow you to burn calories while working your whole body, while learning a chore. Trust me, you won’t see the time go by.

  • Rowing machine: another complete exercise; I did an article about that on Facebook. If you have not seen it, then you are not subscribed to the page yet (maybe it should be part of your good resolutions...👀). As for the skipping rope, small daily session of 30 min, why not in front of a series or a video and you will be fine.

You’ll understand, it’ll be full cardio for you before you can eat. And in case my little tips haven’t stopped you from gaining a few pounds, don’t worry, I’ll be back next year (in a month or so), with tips to add to your list of good resolutions 😉.

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