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Monochromatic look 🌈

Monochromatic look 🌈

  • What is the monochrome look ?

The monochrome look is a total look composed of united pieces of the same color. It can be a color in the same tones or a color with more or less light shades.

  • How to put it on?

It's true that a monochrome look is a rather daring bet; but to wear it at best, it would already be a matter of knowing the colors that highlight your complexion, your hair color or your morphology.

Noir c’est noir, il n’y a plus d’espoir ! (Johnny Halliday's song)

⚫️ Versatile, sophisticated, elegant…. Black remains everyone’s favourite colour ! It lends itself wonderfully to the game of the monochrome look, especially thanks to its ability to refine the silhouettes.

For the all black look, I suggest you to play on the materials (silk, leather, lace, etc.). Be sure, black remains the sure bet of the monochrome look.

  • As white as snow !

⚪️ I admit, it’s not the easiest color to wear. Because, first of all, it's very messy, but it's above all that it reveals all our small defaults; and that's absolutely not the goal you lookign for.

On the other hand, it can sometimes look away from these defaults by highlighting another part of the body, which we prefer for example.

The best outfit “all dressed in white”, will be done as for the black, playing on the materials but also on the cuts.

  • Chauuuud cacao ! chaud, chaud, chaud, chocolat (it's a french song): brown

🟤 This is where the skin color comes in. Brown is a universal color, which will give you a good look, but to adapt according to your carnation. From nude to the darkest brown, not to mention beige, you have a wide choice.

To best wear the total brown look, choose a color that contrasts with your natural skin color. Especially if the look you choose is a look close to the body.

  • En rouge et noir, j’exilerai ma peur… (again a french song, I let you discover French music)

🔴 Often considered as a sensual, sexy color, the total red look can however be very aggressive for the eyes. So it's not often that we dare.

To make an outfit more pleasant to the eye, focus on accessories of a more sober color (as a reminder, the monochrome side, concerns only the clothes. The accessories don't have to be of the same color), it will soften the aggressive side.

  • Ce rêve bleu...(song "a whole new world" from the Aladdin movie)

🔵 Blue is the easiest color to wear in the monochrome world.

Whether in jeans, linen, cotton or even woven by my grandmother, it will be easy to compose and accessorize.

For the type of blue to choose, opt for jeans blue, the best ally for a casual and casual look; and navy blue for your professional and office looks.

My favorite blend is the total blue look with a pair of nude heels… I L-O-V-E I-T !

  • Don’t be green with envy! (French expression)

🟢 I end with a particularly difficult color to wear in monochrome look.

My advice to you is to direct you to dark shades like olive green, fir green or khaki.

These are shades that have the advantage of being chic, elegant and suitable for all situations.

On the other hand, this colour on redheads… 😍

  • Some extra looks

Here are some inspired looks for you:

That’s it ! I didn’t address all the existing colors, but I turned to the most used colors. One thing is certain, do not hesitate any more, jump the step of the monochrome.

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